Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hot Mess!

Hot Mess: "Someone or Something that is such a mess... the level of it, is off of the charts. It's past pathetic, past pitiful. It's to the point you almost have to walk away to keep from bustin a gut. Hot messes can exist in levels." (www.urbandictionary.com)

So...this weekend I was away with my family for a mini vacation. As Yovani and I were walking through the park we had a blast looking at all the hot messes all around us. Let me start off by telling you that on Friday in Orlando, it was about 50 degrees as we walked through Sea World. Yet, we managed to see numerous girls walking around in the skimpiest shorts EVER. I mean, maybe its me but
50 degree weather+skimpy white booty shorts+wool turtleneck sweater+leather boots =
HOT MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to explain to Yovani that one of the side effects of being a hot mess all the time is that you become delusional and you loose all sense of what looks good and what looks TOTALLY RIDICULOUS! Oh man. Then I started wondering, we're walking around internally laughing at all these fools, I wonder what people say about me when they see me walking on the street? Ever stop to think about that?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Analysis

So my husband is so cute. He checks my blog all the time to see if I've posted anything new. Atleast I know I have one fan. Anyhow, today he calls me to ask me about the last poll I posted, the one that asks what you would like to have with you if you were stranded on an island. He asked me if I made that up to see how smart/dumb people were. I was confused because I didn't understand where he was coming from with this question. Then he took it to the next level with the following analysis: He says if you were stranded on a desert island, why would you want a laptop or ipod if there is no electricity. So on he went with a bit of over-analysis, which totally made sense, but was not what I had in mind when I made it up. I love him. He's always taking it the extra mile. I guess we have that kind of relationship, cuz I do it to him also. Speaking of relationship, 12 more days and it'll be 3 years! I can't believe it, time flies. I have all I could ask for. A wonderful husband who analyzes everything I do, a beautiful daughter who lights up my life. All I need is a dozen or so more kids and life will be super perfect.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Commercials Really Work

So I started thinking the other day, thanks to Yovani, that I am so gulable when it comes to commercials. I will watch a commercial about any product and feel an immediate need to try it out. I do control myserf 99% of the time. If I didn't, my house would be cluttered with more junk than it already has. But really. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that I'm such a visual person. There can be two products on the shelf, both the same price, same exact thing, but I will always go for the one with the prettier packaging. Or the one that I actually saw a commercial about. But, I guess that's what they made commercials for right.
Now I'm all into watching QVC or ShopNBC (or whatever it's called). I've never bought anything from there, but it's getting so tempting. I just like looking at the stuff.
Anywho, just a random thought.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I LOVE Days Off

Yesterday was a good day. Spent some time with the family, had a few laughs, did A LOT of eating (there goes that diet again) and fell more in love with my hubby and my baby girl. I realized that the more time I spend with them, the more I love them. It actually hit me, I can't imagine life without my baby girl. She really does light up my life. My advice to all those young women out there is once you are married, take however much time you think you need before having a baby, but DO IT! It's the best feeling in the world, and even though it doesn't take a man or a child to complete you (because only God can make us complete), it sure does add joy to your life. And it's a love that cannot be expressed in words!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I love Fries!

So, recently I decided to go on a little "diet" to loose the rest of the baby weight, which just ain't cute no more. My diet really only consisted of stepping down on the junk food and eating more healthy meals. I ate salad for like a whole week straight and I was pumped. But then Saturday we were out at the mall and stuff and had to grab a bite to eat at the food court. So while they do have somewhat healthy choices at the food court, who wants to pick that when you can eat a Philly Cheesesteak sandwhich with fries and a coke from Charley's Subs. I mean really? Do you see my dilemma here? So I ate it. Now I can't stop eating fries again. I go to Wendy's to get a salad and somehow end up with fries again. Geez. There goes my diet, all because of french fries.

So what's your weakness?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What's Your Thing?

So we all have something that we love to do to relax our minds, blow off steam, or just be creative. For me, it's making stuff. My husband says that there's no way possible that I can relax while making jewelry, but I find it incredibly relaxing. Here's a picture of me wearing some earrings I made. BTW, keep a look out, God willing I will be starting to sell my jewelry.
What do you like to do to relax?

Monday, August 24, 2009


O.k. So I'm REALLY new to this whole blogging thing. So if you have any advice let me know. Hope you all enjoy.