Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I love Fries!

So, recently I decided to go on a little "diet" to loose the rest of the baby weight, which just ain't cute no more. My diet really only consisted of stepping down on the junk food and eating more healthy meals. I ate salad for like a whole week straight and I was pumped. But then Saturday we were out at the mall and stuff and had to grab a bite to eat at the food court. So while they do have somewhat healthy choices at the food court, who wants to pick that when you can eat a Philly Cheesesteak sandwhich with fries and a coke from Charley's Subs. I mean really? Do you see my dilemma here? So I ate it. Now I can't stop eating fries again. I go to Wendy's to get a salad and somehow end up with fries again. Geez. There goes my diet, all because of french fries.

So what's your weakness?


  1. aaaaaaaaaaaand that's the reason why I cant do diets, I break them too easily, what ive been doing and its been workin for me is working out and eatin smaller portions {gotta lose some weight before the wedding haha} and hahah it sucks when you're going good and then something like that breaks your diet ahaha. . The only diet ive gone on and will ever go on is the seefood diet =D

  2. oh and I forgot I LOVE FRIES too, thats my weakness....

  3. My diet consists of being broke. If you want you can just give me the money you spend on food, so you won't have it anymore, and then you'll really have to stick to the diet. My weakness changes. At one time it was chicken nuggets with bbq sauce, another honey mustard, etc, etc. I go through seasons. Now? Chocolate chip cookies and green tea. Not together though.

  4. I was tempted to buy some green tea yesterday, but I bought powdered donuts instead. they were yummy.

  5. well the funny thing about me and diets (i guess you too deb) is that I could be doing it for a week or two or maybe even three. But the moment I break it, its over I cant stop eating. Sweets does it for me!

  6. I have my ups & downs too. But my true weakness is Carbs. I love bread, rice, cereal, poatoes. So what I TRY to do it eat healthy M-F. If not I TRY not to eat too much of what I like & I add a salad so that I don't feel too bad... Like that really does much but at least I don't feel that guilty.
