Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Camel Ammo

So, I know I just put up a post, put I was trying to think of my first Jus Sayin post and upon doing some research, I came across the Camel Ammo. You see there is a new epidemic spreading across the U.S. as of late called Camel Toe. Someone has lied to many ladies letting them think that tights are the new replacement for pants, thus spreading this epidemic from coast to coast. There's a company out there (whom I like to think of as enablers) that has invented this Camel Ammo to help alleviate the side effects of this epidemic. The Camel Ammo is a pink camouflage printed U-shaped disc which you insert into the cotton flap in the crotch of your panties. In the words of the site were I found this, thus "preventing your lady bits from going toe-up." The best part, it's machine washable.
Seriously? Someone sat there and thought of this. And the best part is that they are probably making millions off of this.Oh, I almost forgot, here's the kicker. The product's slogan is "Waging war on the front lines." Don't believe me, Google it. This stuff is really our there.

(picture take from

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